"The second edition of Applied Missing Data Analysis is a bold, top-to-bottom revision that makes a phenomenal book even better. This book is exemplary teaching that you can hold in your hands."
"The book makes sophisticated statistics amazingly accessible and offers a great deal to a wide audience, including statisticians, data analysts, substantive researchers, and quantitative students "
"Simply stated, this is the best textbook available on missing data analysis. The excellent companion website provides important, updated resources for teaching and learning."
"Thorough, cutting-edge, and far and away the clearest text available on missing data analysis. Reading this book feels like being guided by the author through a comprehensive one-on-one workshop. A gift to the field!"
All datasets and analysis examples from the book, up-to-date software information, and other resources are available for download on the analysis examples page.
Blimp 3 is used extensively throughout AMDA for Bayesian estimation and multiple imputation. Visit the Blimp webpage to learn more and download the software
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